Proverbs 7 June 7, 2012
Memory Verse Proverbs 7:2: “Keep my commandments and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye.”
Today’s proverb does not break down as easily for study as the others. Initially, Solomon tells the son to keep his commandments and the law as his direct guide for his life and living. He again recommends wisdom and insight. The rest of the chapter tells the consequences of listening to smooth talking tricksters. In this particular case, he again uses a solicitous woman as the tempter, but it could be greed, jealousy, drugs, alcohol, or any of the seven things that God hates.
Various schemes are setup to trick the son into believing in the power of some other god. The false god flatters, attracts the weak, is loud, confident, and bold, offers temporary excitement, lies to tempt, disguises the temptation, challenges the son’s willpower and trust, makes excuses and promises, pitchs, woos, and tricks the weak.
In the final analysis, all is death; without proper use of available wisdom and insight, only death is certain. Once the false God sits on your heart’s throne, hell can draw you away from God’s promised rewards. We have 27 verses here that were planned, designed, and fully explained to show us an all important point. Do not give into the attractive lure of any false god. Examine everything done by wisdom and insight, and determine for yourself first “What Would Jesus Do’ in this particular situation? React properly!!!!!!!!!!!!
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