Proverbs 12 June 12, 2012
Memory Verse: Proverbs 12:15 “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes; but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.”
Today’s proverb gives us two points again, but this time the two points are directly related. First, Solomon talks about what happens if you love learning and second, deals with wise people accepting/seeking advice. Notice that six of the seven things God hates are listed in these verses also. Evidently learning and working as part of a team are two keys to staying away from what God hates.
If You Love Learning
1) If you love learning, you love discipline
2) Good person basks in light of God; avoids devious schemers
3) Firm footing not found in swamp; life in God stands firm
4) A good wife invigorates; a cold woman is a cancer in the bones
5) Principled people are just, the devious plots corrupt
6) Wicked words kill; upright speech saves
7) Wicked people fall apart; families hold together
8) Sensible people honored; airheads are held in contempt
9) Better to be ordinary and working than to act important and starve
10) Good people are good to their animals; bad people abuse and mistreat them
11) A worker has food on the table; the witless chase whims and fancies
12) What the wicked build falls apart; roots of righteous give life
Wise People Take Advice
1) Gossip gets us into trouble; clear speech keeps us out of it
2) Well-spoken words satisfy; well done work is its own reward
3) Fools do what they want; wise people take advice
4) Fools explode quickly, prudent shrug off insults
5) Truthful witness clears the air; liars deceive by smoke screen
6) Rah language cuts; works of the Wise heal
7) Truth lasts, liars are here today and gone tomorrow
8) Scheming distorts; peace-planning brings peace
9) Evil cannot defeat a good person; wicked have their hands full with evil
10) God hates liars, but LOVES to be with the honest
11) Prudent don’t flaunt knowledge; talkative fools broadcast their silliness
12) Diligent are freed by work; lazy are oppressed by it
13) Worry weighs us down; encouragement picks us up
14) Good person overcomes misfortune; wicked lives invite disaster
15) Lazy life is empty life; early risers get the job done
16) Good people travel straight in life; sin’s detours destroy
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