Monday, June 25, 2012

Planning and leadership are hand in hand.

Memory verse for June 23, 2012
Proverbs 23:7”For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…”

            Planning is essential to success: what a man thinks of himself is exactly who the man is and will be until he is in line with God’s planning. CEO’s and company Presidents did not get these jobs simply because they were born into it. They still had to plan their work and work their plan. They did not work any harder than anyone else; they simply saw in their hearts what kind of person they wanted to be and they planned, disciplined themselves, and kept on keeping on in spite of setbacks. I, for instance, see myself as part of the Christian Mafia; I am bought with the blood of my don’s Son, and intend to make our turf the greatest while I am here and I know my future reward for doing that. The next 13 principles of the leader tell us how to plan so we can win others to our God.

1)      Use good manners
2)      Restrain yourself
3)      Don’t expect people to treat you as special
4)      Don’t talk sense to fools
5)      Trust knowledge
6)      Correct children and subordinates; they will respect you and your lesson
7)      Seek Wisdom
8)      Don’t envy others and their possessions
9)      Seek His direction
10)  Respect authority
11)  Seek truth, wisdom, education, insight, and solid foundations
12)  Make your parents and your leaders proud; share with them
13)  Seek good counsel
14)  Avoid self pity and making excuses
15)  Don’t sell out for addictions; it will cost everything you could be
16)  Have pride in yourself and think positive thoughts.

Tomorrow we will finish out the 30 principles for leadership Think on what we have studied; 7 traits that God hates, discipline, and planning; these studies will give you a head start on what you want to be and how God can get you there.

Growing in His love,

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