Thursday, May 31, 2012

Seek the right woman for a wife; care will be natural.

Proverbs 31                                            May 31, 2012
Memory Verse: Proverbs 31:10    “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is above rubies.”

            Today’s proverb sets a new stage; we are no longer talking about women being prostitutes or sluts.  King Lemuel, which is probably an assumed name for Solomon, extols his mother’s advice. Like a mother, she encourages him not to be fooled by fortune-hunting women or prostitutes who destroy leaders. She explains the pitfalls of alcohol and advises him to speak up for the voiceless and down trodden and to never stop seeking justice for all .
            Then he sings a hymn to the good wife. Verses 10-31 that should be remembered and studied by anyone who has ever had or has  a mother.
1)      She is worth more than rubies and diamonds (respected)
2)      She can be trusted by her husband (devoted)
3)      She is never spiteful, but generous to him (secure)
4)      She shops around for the best deals and quality (knowledgeable)
5)      She seeks out new, improved products and services (wants the best)
6)      She is up early preparing the breakfast and organizing her day (prepared)
7)      She negotiates for a fields, saves money to buy it, and plants a garden(does all)
8)      She is eager for her work—daily (regimented)
9)      She recognizes the value of her contribution (confident)
10)  Skilled in many duties; diligent at what is done (diligent)
11)  Quick to help –even reaches out to poor (responsive)
12)  Makes sure everything is in order (orderly)
13)  Makes or buys her own clothes (economical)
14)  Respects her husband; recommends his services (respectful)
15)  Designs and makes clothes for sale (creative)
16)  She makes her clothing well and elegant; always cheerful  (does the expected)
17)  Speaks knowledgeable and kindly (not enough to be on top of it, but respectful)
18)  Ensures everyone and everything is productive (attentive manager)
19)  Her children and husband respect her and her worth (recognized authority)
20)  A good wife outclasses any other woman (skills, talents, respect are proper)
21)  Charm and physical beauty may fade, but a God-fearing woman is admired
22)  Give her what is deserves and all the praise you can (satisfied with praise)

This is a special proverb that should remind all guys just how important a good wife is. They will be blessed and helped if they seek only this kind of woman.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Get knowledge and understanding, but never neglect reproof.

Proverbs 30: 1-3   “… surely I am more brutish than any man, and have not the understanding of a man.  I neither learned wisdom, nor have the knowledge of the holy. 

            In these three verses we see the main message of Proverbs again.  First, get the knowledge from God’s Word to acquire the wisdom needed in your daily lives.  Second, apply this knowledge to your experiences to relate the wisdom and knowledge.  Finally, do not ignore the reproof for advice from your family and leaders for you will be thought of as a self centered braggart. ( brutish). 
            From Hebrew let me also give a few meanings for us to consider. Proverbs means comparison.  Agur means collector or perhaps inspired writer, Ithiel means “ Immanuel is with us” or perhaps Jesus, Ucal means “ the All Powerful  or perhaps God.  These meanings would come together with the “ man” of verse one being the holy spirit or perhaps the Inspirer. Think about that. 

            Lord, We love you today and worship our Trinity God.  Help us to remember Who you are, what you have done, as well as what you are doing daily in our lives.  Help us to except your leading and pursue it.      
For your service we live.      A men .

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

God will be justified in our Trust of Him.

Proverbs 29                                       May 29, 2012
Memory Verse: “Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”

Our proverb today answers Old Testament questions about faith and trust. An apt title would be, “If people can’t see what God is doing, how should they respond? These same verses will separate a Godly leader from a deliberate sinner (all men are sinners, but not necessarily deliberate sinners).

1)      Undisciplined become stubborn and are forever lost, without conversion
2)      The leader determines the response of the led
3)      Wisdom delights, lust disintegrates
4)      Good leaders give stability; exploiters give waste
5)      Flattery ruins one
6)      Evil thoughts of people trap themselves, good people avoid them
7)      Good people understand want; Evil have no concept of want
8)      Cynicism destroys; group counsel lifts up
9)      Wisdom does not use human conversation to explain God’s mysteries
10)  Evil hates honesty; good encourages honesty
11)  Fools speak first; wisdom considers before speaking
12)  Gossip infects
13)  God gives sight to all to witness Him
14)  Leaders who treat the poor as equals have authority and respect
15)  Discipline gives wisdom, spoiled ones embarrass
16)  Evil takes charge and crime explodes, but righteous will see correction
17)  Discipline your children and those in your charge
18)  God always speaks through His Word; attend to it for blessing
19)  Actions speak louder than words
20)  Always consider results/reactions before speaking
21)  Allow people to treat you like a doormat, you will make no impression for Him 
22)  Angry people arouse, and impatient people stir up trouble
23)  Pride drops you, but humility prepares you
24)  Associating with deliberate sinners may destroy your witness
25)  Fear of human opinion disables; trusting God protects
26)  Good leaders are sought out, but only God really rewards
27)  Hate evil; the wicked despise goodness

As we study these verses, we see that the ones who trust God in times of need will be justified in that trust; the others that trust in themselves or their evil leaders will fail. I hope we can all look at today’s memory verse and realize that we need a vision and a purpose to take precedence over our own selfish selves

Monday, May 28, 2012

Proverbs 28

Proverbs 28                                         May 28, 2013
Memory Verse:28:9  “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.”

Today’s proverb shows us the tremendous difference in, living by laws of human nature versus God’s nature; and, our memory verse dictates how impossible it is for the two to be the same. We can choose between our sinful, Satanic nature or God’s ideal, perfect nature.  To show the contrasts:

1)      The guilty are fearful; honest are bold, relaxed, and confident
2)      Everyone has a plan, but only a true leader has understanding needed
3)      The wicked oppress like a hailstorm beats down a crop
4)      Your concept of God’s law determines your response – love or hate
5)      Your concept of justice is determined by your seeking God’s will
6)      Better to be poor and direct than rich and crooked
7)      Follow God’s law, wisdom; bad associates embarrass even the family
8)      Cheats and extortionists lose everything in the end
9)      If you will not listen to God, it is pointless to pray
10)  Following the leader results in your deserved reward/punishment
11)  The rich have poor motives; the poor understand results
12)  Be careful of leaders motivations
13)  Covering up sin is impossible, mercy comes through admission
14)  Tender-hearted and hard-hearted live the lives due them
15)  The wicked treat the poor by aggressive actions to hide their weaknesses
16)  Insight reduces abuse; fights corruption and brightens the future
17)  The doom of guilt can not be cleared
18)  To be safe, be honest and direct; devious lives are ruined
19)  Work diligently to succeed; play and party to fail
20)  Consistent work effort pays off; get rich schemes fail
21)  Playing favorites does an injustice to all
22)  A miser getting rich quick will lose everything over time
23)  A well intentioned Reprimand is appreciated more than flattery
24)  One who robs his parents is worse than a pirate
25)  Grasping at straws stirs up trouble; trusting God brings security
26)  Don’t depend on your own wisdom; learn from the experiences of others
27)  Be generous to the poor, and help meet needs
28)  Corruption eliminates honest people getting involved

I have simply been listing the doors standing closed in Proverbs. When we start over in January, I will begin talking about one individual verse each day. In this way, we can cover the entire book of Proverbs in @ 3 years. Since these rules for Christian living are so important, we will be able to live the Proverb life every day.

In His love and service, 

Proverbs 28: 1     “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion. 

Felix questioned Paul about Jesus and what salvation was, but he was so confused, he sent Paul away until a later time.  Felix was never persuaded and; as far as recorded, was never saved because he put it off.  We cannot be like Felix or Festus and just proceed along just like opportunities will always be available to consider Jesus’.  We must first and foremost accept Jesus as our Lord and savior.  After that single most important decision is made we can be free to plan our future as He leads. 

A guilty conscience will destroy a person’s health— physical and spiritual—as well as any relationship.  We fear any movement or responses; we are fearful of what can or may happen.  But, if the decision about Jesus has been made, we can rest assured and confidently proceed. 

Lord, we love you today and worship you for the security promised us.  As we take You as our personal Lord and savior, we know that our future is in your hands and obediently work for Your kingdom. 
For your service we live.        A men

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Proverbs study

Hi, I am Mike Little and am starting a new blog today to see if there is enough interest for me to publish this series of daily devotions in a Smashwords e-book. I welcome any comments, especially corrective ones so I can improve my material.Initially, I will blog one proverb for the first 31 days and then start back with one verse or set of verses each given calendar day.Hope you enjoy. I retired from IBM in1993 (30 years) and in 2010 from Duke University Medical Center (15 years). During this time I have been a supporting pastor in the Advent Christian Church and working with Bible Studies at work on my break periods.

Stength, encouragement, and enlightenmen to our leaders

Proverbs 27   May 27, 2012
Memory Verse: Proverbs 27:17    “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.”

            In today’s verses, we continue to see individual proverbs intended to strengthen, encourage, and enlighten the leader. We can easily see that the leaders must always watch out for disappointment, rejection, and all things under their charge.  If the leader is not vigilant, he will be taken advantage of. The best defense is a good, trustworthy friend who will encourage and correct when needed.

1)      Don’t brag about what you will do in the future; only God knows that
2)      Don’t promote yourself;  let others praise you instead
3)      Don’t trust a fool; he only cares about himself
4)      Jealousy destroys more than anger or rage
5)      Speak praise or reprove when needed; it is more honest
6)      Don’t be gullible and fall to a brown noser’s compliments
7)      Differing conditions dictate needs and desires
8)      Settle down; down switch back and forth in your opinions
9)      Friendship refreshes
10)  Seek a close friend when in need
11)  A wise person understands worldly changes
12)  Avoid trouble,  be observant at all times
13)  Require a commitment on any loan (especially a loan of time/concern)
14)  Use care when you encourage not to arouse
15)  You can turn off a leaking spigot or nag, and still not get away from it
16)  Strength in dealings with friends sharpens one another
17)  Honor you work; do your best; you will be blessed
18)  Water will mirror a face like the face mirrors a heart
19)  Beware – Evil and lust always persist in dealings
20)  Fire tests the purity of gold and silver, but fame test the purity of the heart
21)  There is no way to beat foolishness out of a man
22)  Don’t take possessions, opportunities, nor God’s grace for granted; chances disappear

There are a lot of “don’t's" in today’s verses; it is not intended to be negative. We must always be vigilant for Satan’s deception. We can fall into all kinds of problems leading if we are not always observant.